Objectives of the Foundation

To support the army

To support people who require financial, medical, humanitarian, psychological, or any other kind of assistance

To restore infrastructure over the whole Kyiv region

To implement in practice the state, regional, local, and international programs aimed at improvement of the social and economic environment

To support cultural development, including implementation of the programs of national and cultural development, providing access to cultural values and works of art for all social groups, particularly for the disadvantaged ones

To facilitate the development and implementation of state, civil and business projects aimed at the growth and improvement of the social environment for the population of Ukraine and other countries

Our values

Helping our country 24/7

Openness and growth

Transparency, communication, and cooperation

A comprehensive approach to problem-solving

Efficiency and professionalism

We are aiming at the implementation of high-quality innovation projects by the Foundation’s team of professionals with the involvement of a wide range of partners.
Our team is open to anything new and is always ready to consider your ideas on social matters and to contribute to the most efficient implementation of such ideas.

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